Friday, September 30, 2011

Our First #FF (Follow Friday) - Share the Love!

Klout Kurriculum
Our First #FF (Follow Friday) - Share the Love!

In This Issue
#FF @JustonPayne (et moi)
Share the love: #FF
Klout Tasks

Please include @JustonPayne in your #FF today. I owe him several #FF's as he located my orphaned iPhone in Sosnoff last week, and part of the terms of it's safe return were that I include him in an #FF, which I have not done.

Please follow me:
@Linz_Shelton on twitter #damnit. Sad to see that there are so many people on my NYU Stern list not following other folks on the NYU Stern list.

If this applies to you, and you feel guilty (you totally should btw) you can make it up to me by tweeting the following today:

#FF: @Linz_Shelton @LuxRet @TheBizofCasual @BSchoolofCasual
@cuffzbylinz @CaptMischief @NYUStern @L2_ThinkTank @ProfGalloway @Maureen_Mullen

(and of course following them all.)



I realize I'm one Klout Tip behind (you were short changed Wednesday of last week) so I'm making up for that today with a special Friday edition.

This is something you'll want to do every Friday because 1) it's fun and 2) it's good twitter karma.


Share the love: #FF
  • #FF means "Follow Friday" (or some iteration of that, depending on who you talk to.)
  • It's a twitter custom/convention where tweeters highlight other tweeter that they think their twitter community should follow. It's a signal of support, and endorsement of the quality (or entertainment value) of these folks' content.
  • It is absolutely fine to just list your favorite tweeters like this:
  • Bonus points: target your recommendations to a specific segment or area of expertise, and state up front why your followers would want to follow these people:

  • Twitter etiquette: if someone @mentions you in an #FF, say thanks. And follow the other tweeters in the suggestion, chances are there's some good reason why you're listed together.
  • Repeat weekly.

Watch for each others' #FF's and follow people your friends are suggesting. Retweet the #FF tweets you agree with.

Remember: "Be excellent to each other." (I'll retweet anyone who can name that movie quote!)

That's all for now, more next week.


Linz Shelton
Mobile 310.402.3240 | Twitter @Linz_Shelton
MBA 2012 | NYU Leonard N. Stern School of Business
Co-President, NYU Stern Luxury & Retail Club
Founder | CUFFZ Inc.
*Watch the latest CUFFZ by Linz video:

Monday, September 26, 2011

Use "Formulists" to add fuel to your follower strategy.

PS - save the date: Oct 19th is looking like the day Joe can come and speak to the Kloutsters. Coordinating w/ relevant clubs to schedule, will keep you all posted.


Klout Kurriculum
Use "Formulists" to add fuel to your follower strategy. 9/26/2011

In This Issue
Follow @GSElevator and laugh till you cry
Use Formulists to add fuel to your follower strategy
Klout Tasks

This one's for the bankers:

Follow @GSElevator on Twitter.

"Things heard in the Goldman Sachs elevators do not stay in the Goldman Sachs elevators."

In case you missed @CondeElevator, here's your chance to check it out!

Anyone want to get a @NYUSternElevator meme going? Tweet me pros & cons: @Linz_Shelton


I realize that we're one email behind now, but hey - let's be honest: Umbro is the only one on this list who has actually paid his membership dues, so I'm refraining from feeling urgency until I start to see more whiskey bottles piling up in my locker.

So to make up for missing Wednesday's email, I'm going to give you a big sexy task for today.

Excited? Good. This one's pretty sweet ...

Use "Formulists" to add fuel to your follower strategy
  • First, take 46 seconds to watch this video: It's worth it.

  • Now go to: and sign in using your Twitter account.

  • To get started, click the "Add a Formulist" bar (big one at the top, can't miss it.)

  • Decide on which Formulists to create depending on your goals. You can groups tweeps (that's dork for 'twitter peeps') in several ways:
Group Tweeps by
  • If you are tweeting for a brand, your goals will be different than if you're tweeting for personal reasons. Scroll through the options and see what fits your needs best.
  • Don't stress about picking the wrong ones, you can always add/delete them.

  • The free version of Formulists only allows you to create two lists at a time. No big deal: you can create a list, follow the people you want to follow, add them to one of your other public lists (you created those last week, remember?) then delete the Formulist and replace with a shiny new one.

  • Note: you PROBABLY want to keep these lists private (you can click the radio button that says "private" when you name this list.)

  • Now go to your Twitter "Home" screen and check out your lists!

Remember, these are dynamic lists, so you should keep checking back, switching things up, and evolving your strategy. You can't really screw anything up here, so go play!

That's all for now, more to come on Wednesday (for realz this time.)


Linz Shelton
Mobile 310.402.3240 | Twitter @Linz_Shelton
MBA 2012 | NYU Leonard N. Stern School of Business
Co-President, NYU Stern Luxury & Retail Club
Founder | CUFFZ Inc.
*Watch the latest CUFFZ by Linz video:

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Everyone, "List" everyone else + Your "List to Followers Ratio

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Klout Kurriculum
Everyone, "List" everyone else9/19/2011

In This Issue
Klout Task: Follow @BSchoolofCasual
KKlout Tip: Setting up Lists
A Note on your "Lists to Followers Ratio"
Klout Tip: Liist Everyone Else
Klout Tasks
The Business [School] of Casual

Follow@BSchoolofCasual on Twitter. This twitter meme is an homage to@TheBizofCasual, which was one of my favorite side-projects at L2 this summer.

The idea is simple: Iinstagram your outfit (sans-head) and tweet the brands you're wearing (@mentioning the brands.) This helps your Klout score.

Often, the brands will tweet back - a thank you or a compliment - which REALLY helps your Klout score.

It's a little silly, it's a lot of fun, and it was surprisingly effective in pushing up L2's Klout scores. I'm confident it will be at Stern as well!


My apologies that this is coming to you so late, I hope the Klout Kupkakes were enough to tide you over while you waited hungrily for your Klout tip. This one's easy, and won't take you very long.

It's also pretty important, so don't skip it! If you do, you affect everyone else negatively, and they will probably start to resent you, begin to re-tweet you less, eventually unfollow you, and finally ignore you when they see you on campus. Stakes are high, get to clicking ...

Setting up your lists
  • On your Home screen, you will see "Lists" on the far right of the nav under your "What's Happening" field
  • Use dropdown to "create list"
  • Create AT LEAST 10 lists. These are mine. Your lists should reflect your interest, your areas of expertise, your industry focus, etc.
  • They should not be too specific, or you'll get into way too many lists. (in a more advanced Klout tip coming soon, you'll need space to create even more lists, so don't go overboard now or you'll wind up deleting.)
  • One of your lists should be NYU Stern. That's important!

A note on your "List to Followers Ratio":

  • Your lists to followers ratio is a meaningful social metric, often a more accurate measurement of your true social influence than just the number of people that follow you.
  • By listing someone, you're signaling that their thoughts/opinions/perspective (tweets) are valuable to you - and more specifically are credible in a certain topic or category. Being listed conveys your perceived relative value on twitter.
  • Note: while I know Klout does take into account your list to follower ratio in your "True Reach" score, I'm not positive how exactly it's factored in. That's a good question for Joe when he comes to visit us in October.


  • Shortcut: go to my NYU Stern List
  • First, click the button at the top that says "Follow List"(note, this does not mean you're following everyone on the list, it simply means you follow the list. Not the same.)
  • Now, click the "Follow" button next to everyone on that list.
  • For each person, once the "Follow" button turns to a green "following" button, click the white button next to the follow button and use the drop down to add them to your NYU Stern list.
  • If you don't see your name there, please leave your twitter handle in a comment on my Facebook wall post "what's your twitter handle?" (don't email me, I don't get Klout points for that & my Facebook engagement score has gone down!)
  • The more times you list someone the better, so as often as possible add your peeps to multiple lists. For example, I have a lot of my friends under my NYU Stern list AND my Digital Market list AND my Luxury list AND my Fashion list ... it's good for their Klout score. Go nuts.

Do this sooner than later, I'm going to throw something tougher at you in the next few days in the way of lists. Get this step done before that happens, and the next step will be even more fun!

That's all for now, more to come on Wednesday!


Linz Shelton
Mobile 310.402.3240 | Twitter @Linz_Shelton
MBA 2012 | NYU Leonard N. Stern School of Business
Co-President, NYU Stern Luxury & Retail Club
Founder | CUFFZ Inc.
*Watch the latest CUFFZ by Linz video:

Make an investment in your profile: bio, profile image, and background. Give people a compelling reason to follow you.

This might be stuff you can use

Klout Kurriculum
Make an investment in your profile: bio, profile image, and background. Give people a compelling reason to follow you.

In This Issue
Klout Tasks
Klout Tips
Klout Tasks
Joe Fernandez

1) Tweet at@JoeFernandez (CEO of @Klout) and tell him you heard from @Linz_Shelton that he might come to @NYUStern to speak to you guys + you're excited. He's offered to come and speak to the Kickass Kurriculum group (you guys) so encourage him to do so!

2) Tweet about the @L2_ThinkTank Prestige 100: China study (Professor Galloway mentioned in class today. Make sure to include this A good strategy: congratulate the brands that did well (@mention them so they find your tweets.) will retweet the best tweets from BOTH my account and L2's account - this will help your Klout score.


First - if your name is on the cc'd list, that means you haven't joined the google groups yet.

After today I will only be sending these messages to the email address so as not to bother people who aren't interested, so make sure if you want to join that you do so today.

Make an investment in your profile: bio, profile image, and background. Give people a compelling reason to follow you.

Why? Three reasons:
  • Your bio is at it's core an attempt to distill your personal brand into 160 characters. Seem somewhat artificial/forced/impossible? It is. But so is the 30 second pitch and 2 minute story you've memorized about yourself to fire off to recruiters and interviewers, and you understand why that's valuable. Think of your bio as your "headline" - highlights the elements of yourself you most want to share, and that will help likeminded people to share your interests to find you
  • Your bio, and secondarily your page, are your only tools to capture people's attention on twitter and entice them to follow and interact with you. This is your one shot, GRAB THEM. As you've noticed, the platform is ultralight, uncluttered, and extremely dynamic. It moves so quickly that people on twitter aren't in the mode of digging for info (whereas they would approach LinkedIn or Facebook differently.) They scan information very quickly, so you must optimize for that.
  • If you don't have a profile image, custom background, and a catchy bio (or any bio at all) people will probably think you're a spammer or porn-bot. No good :-(

  • Click Profile in your top header bar
  • On your Profile page, under your picture & bio, click "Edit your profile -->"
  • You will see your Settings page, which will default to the Profile tab.
  • ** this is where you upload your profile image, edit your bio, and link to your website
  • Click save (sounds obvious, but it's kindof a pain, make sure it actually saves - as twitter is buggy sometimes and you may have to try a few times)
  • To the right of the Profile tab at the top of the white box, click the Design tab.
  • Below the stock profile backgrounds, click Change Background Image
  • This will pop up an upload form. Upload an image of your choosing (see below for notes).
  • A twitter background is 1600px by 1200px (if you know what that means, great. If not, just keep resizing your image until it's under 800k and twitter will do the rest.)

Your Bio:

  1. Establish your credibility by @mentioning reputable institutions with which you're associated. You can all mention @NYUStern. If you were a contributing columnist to @huffingtonpost you'd want to mention that because it's awesome. If you work with a charity or organization, mention that. If it's appropriate, mention your past company.
  2. #hashtag your interests so that other people who share those intersets can easily find you
  3. Although it's tempting to be obscure and silly so people think you're cool, it's more annoying than effective. (Unless you're Juston Payne - his stuff is absolutely hilarious and totally works: : @justonpayne New York, NY
    MBA student at Stern. I got big plans. Big plans. All of which, somehow, lead my stuffing a sandwich in my face.
  4. Include your website! Don't have a website? BS. You have a LinkedIn profile: use the public link. Want to go a step further? Create your own site and aggregate all of your social properties there.
Examples of great bios:

@NYUStern #MBA Candidate, Class of 2012. Co-President of @NYUSternGMA, and former Global Interactive Manager at @TiffanyAndCo

(note: Lisa, include a link to your website)

@profgalloway NYC
Professor of #BrandStrategy at @NYUStern, Founder of @L2_ThinkTank, @redenvelope @ProphetBrand & Firebrand Partners. @UCLA & @HaasAlumni.

@bmurnane New York
MBA Candidate @NYUStern. President@TANG_NYUStern. Passionate about music. Inspired by all people, business, media and technology
(note: Brendan - you should hashtag #music, #media, and #technology!)

Ryan Greene
@RyanMGreene14 New York City
Living in Manhattan, 2nd year MBA student@NYUStern, interested in #DigitalMarketing and #Strategy

These bios cut to the chase, establish credibility, and put interests, passions, and areas of expertise right out in front of people.
Your Profile Pic:

  • As a general rule, it's a good idea to be consistant across all of your social properties. It works well to use the same profile image for your Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Foursquare, Google+ and any other property that allows you to upload an image. If you're easily recognizable as "yourself" people will take you a bit more seriously and (whether it's fair or not) assign more weight to your thoughts and opinions when you share them.
  • Use your Facebook photo albums & mobile uploads to show more of your personality, a headshot-style photo where people can clearly see your face and your lovely smile are better for profile pics.

Your Background Image:

  • it matters much less WHAT you upload than IF you upload. Having a custom background (rather than a stock background) shows the Twitter community you have at least a tenuous grasp on what the heck you're doing, and that you've invested time and thought to your profile.
  • Having a hard time coming up w/ ideas? What about: album covers from your favorite artists, photo from your wedding, pretty landscape pic you took on vacation, a collection of your favorite instagrams, or a piece of art. Remember, you can always change it, so have some fun.

Examples of background images I personally like:
Keep tweeting! Please feel free to email me with ANY questions:

Linz Shelton

Linz Shelton

Mobile 310.402.3240 | Twitter @Linz_Shelton

MBA 2012 | NYU Leonard N. Stern School of Business
Co-President, NYU Stern Luxury & Retail Club
Founder | CUFFZ Inc.
*Watch the latest CUFFZ by Linz video:

Link ALL of your digital properties to

Klout Kurriculum
Link ALL of your digital properties to Klout.com9/12/2011

In This Issue
Klout Tasks
Klout Tips
Klout Tasks
Relax! Ease into it ...
Relax! Ease into it ...

Since this is your first Klout Tip, you're off the hook for your Klout Task today.

Watch this section for your "to do" list - there will be prizes offered and often shameless bribery to get you guys to tweet/post/do stuff that's both beneficial to your Klout score and often to me or my firm personally ;-)


**cc'ing several of you who haven't joined the actual group yet, just re-invited you (apologies for any duplicates!) Please join this week if you'd like to continue receiving these emails**

Here is the first of many "Lunchtime Klout Tips" you will receive over the course of the semester. Each is designed to take less than 10 minutes so that it's easy to complete while you power down a bad Sosnoff salad. Some tips are one-time set-up items, some are ongoing habits to form - I will distinguish when necessary.

Getting started: sign in with Twitter
  • make sure you're logged into your Twitter account in the same browser
  • go to
  • click sign in with Twitter
  • next screen will ask "authorize to use your account?" click "sign in"
  • field will pop up prompting you to "Register with Klout"- give them your info
  • once you have completed, your Klout score will pop up. You can tweet this if you wish, or skip.

Add your Facebook:

  • next, you'll be prompted to connect with Facebook (do it, your private stuff will still be private, don't stress!)
  • the next screen will give you a series of options, such as: follow Klout on twitter, like Klout on Facebook ... do it (they'll give you good tips)
  • Click "Profile" and check out what Klout thinks of you so far (remember, this will become more accurate over time the more you tweet, post, share, etc. The Klout algorithm has a rough time figuring "you" out based on very little data. It's basically feeling in the dark if you're new to these platforms.)

Go crazy adding your social media properties:

  • Below your name on your profile page, you'll see greyed-out logos for other social media properties (by now, your Twitter and your Facebook should be highlighted in color)
  • If you have any of the following accounts, connect them:LinkedIn, Foursquare, YouTube, Instagram, Tumblr,Blogger,, and Flickr. The interfce is pretty solid, so if you're already logged into each of these accounts in your browser, it should only take a click or two to get set up.

Play around with the Klout platform as you have time - there's lots to discover on there. Be aware also that they'll be integrating new platforms over time (e.g. Google+, turntable, etc. - so you might as well get good at those BEFORE they start to "count" here.)

One final note: as Umbro has already eloquently illustrated for us, it is important to unprotect your tweets if you want to increase your Klout score. Dive in, interact with strangers. It's ok, only some of them are scary.

That's all for today, more to come on Wednesday!


Linz Shelton
Mobile 310.402.3240 | Twitter @Linz_Shelton
MBA 2012 | NYU Leonard N. Stern School of Business
Co-President, NYU Stern Luxury & Retail Club
Founder | CUFFZ Inc.
*Watch the latest CUFFZ by Linz video: